Docker Image

 Building Docker Image. Starting Container.

Launch the following command in the terminal to build your Docker image.

docker build -t slotix/dbconvert-studio .

The next command, docker run, starts a container from the newly created DBConvert Studio image.

docker run –name studio -it –rm -v “c:\dbconvert-docker\studio\workSettings:C:\PROGRAM FILES\DBCONVERT\DBConvert Studio x64\workSettings” slotix/dbconvert-studio:latest DBConvert.exe /Session:”my2my_copy”

Containers are immutable by design. This means that the container will not be changed during its life cycle: no updates, no patches, no configuration changes.

When starting DBConvert studio from the command line, you need to pass in a ready-made session file that includes the configured database connections involved in the migration and some other parameters.

-v flag mounts c:\dbconvert-docker\studio\workSettings directory on the host machine into the folder C:\PROGRAM FILES\DBCONVERT\DBConvert Studio x64\workSettings inside the running container.

This way we can feed DBConvert Studio with jobs located outside of the container.
Another advantage of directory binding is that it works and vice versa. When a process completes, a log file is generated. It appears both inside the container directory and on the host computer.
Host OS communicating with the Docker Container

Check out the GitHub repository with the Dockerfile from this article here!

Typically, the core business logic of a legacy monolithic application is tightly coupled to its GUI.
Legacy applications may not scale well enough to meet new customer needs, resulting in decreased performance and increased customer frustration.
Developers often get stuck in old code when there are so many exciting new technologies available to innovate.
The good news is that moving from a legacy desktop application to a microservice architecture stops the monolithic nightmare. Dividing a monolithic application into subsystems that can be scaled, developed, and deployed individually is your entry point into the microservices realm. If there is a requirement to run multiple copies of a single application, Docker is a perfect choice for packaging Windows applications.


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Mengenal Teknologi Containerization dengan Docker